Sylvia Faijdherbe

Thank you for your interest in me. My name is Sylvia Faijdherbe, I was born in 1986 and grew up in  Landsmeer, near Amsterdam. Nowadays, my boyfriend and I live in Nieuwveen, a village in the ‘green heart’ of the Netherlands. I am the proud owner of a beautiful Haflinger, his name is Denzel.

Originally, I am a business administrator. I obtained my master’s degree in business administration from Erasmus University and specialised in leadership and Change Management. From 2010 until 2020 I worked in finance and at the moment I am a manager at a municipality in the province of South Holland. In my work I have gained a lot of experience with reorganisations, career counselling, change processes, job satisfaction, process optimisation, real estate and leading through coaching.

For me, my passion for horses and helping people develop are united in coaching with horses.  In 2020, I successfully completed the Equine Assisted Coach level 1 training. I am also a member of NOBCO, a professional association for coaches.  As a person and a coach, I am open, eager to learn, analytical, driven and communicative.

I am registered as European Coach Practitioner at the Dutch Association of Professional Coaches (NOBCO) and the European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC). I endorse the International Code of Ethics and Complaints Procedure of the NOBCO | EMCC.

In short, I am a business administrator change coach with the assistance of horses.

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