
The feedback ‘factor’ is essential in personal development but also when it concerns the growth of a group of people into a well-cooperating team or a successful company. By giving feedback, you can help, stimulate and support each other. But also companies improve through customer feedback.

In short, feedback from others will teach you even better where your development opportunities lie, or where you as a team or company can still improve.

Feedbackfactor is founded by Sylvia (1986) with the following mission: ‘Through different glasses’ —Changing the way you look at things through the experience with horses. Helping both the individuals and the teams to work on their own insights and points of improvement in order to bring about sustainable changes and remain future-proof as an organisation.

The main factor in coaching with horses is the feedback the horse gives based on your posture, breathing and other small signals. The horse only knows the ‘here and now’ and gives feedback without judgement.

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